Fun Facts About Me
I can only write with my notebook turned sideways. When I was a kid, I wrote with it turned upside down.
I write, catch, and eat with my right hand. Everything else – batting, shooting a basket, holding a golf club, etc. is done with my left.
I can shake my eyeballs in bright light.
I have a long, long list of foods I don’t like. (I guess this isn’t really a ‘fun’ fact!)
I am very, very neat. Except when I am not.
I know the lyrics to about a thousand bad songs from the 1970s, including songs from tv commercials and television shows.
I have a lot of my writing memorized so that I don’t have to carry my books everywhere.
I once wrote a book in two weeks and it only needed a little revision.
The next book I wrote took four years.
I have only lost at checkers once or twice. I have only won at Chess once.
I can jump double-dutch.
Even though I can walk to a Brooklyn Nets game from my house, I’m still a die-hard Knicks fan.
I love it when it’s quiet and sunny.
Fall is my favorite season.
My son was born in the United States but since then, has never spent a birthday in this country. (His birthday is February 19th which is usually Winter Break.)
I share a birthday with Abraham Lincoln and Judy Blume.
I laugh at really dumb jokes.
Something many people don’t know about me:

I don’t remember wishing anything about Alaga Syrup. I wasn’t even in school yet. Still, I think of it fondly because it was, technically, my first job.
There are a few special places I love to write…

Here in Brooklyn where I live: (Yes, there really are trees in New York City!)

Anywhere on the Cape where there are dunes nearby like in this picture:

Sitting on the yellow chair in my office: